
Peach Tree Times

Saturday, May 18, 2024

According to poll, 57 percent of Georgia voters say Biden policies have made life less affordable for seniors

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President Joe Biden | Gage Skidmore

President Joe Biden | Gage Skidmore

A recent survey released by the League of American Workers (LAW) revealed that 57 percent of Georgia voters believe President Joe Biden's policies have made life less affordable for seniors. The respondents also held Democrats accountable for the surge in overall prices by more than a 2-1 margin—39 percent to 18 percent.

The escalating costs of groceries emerged as a concern among Georgia voters, with 49 percent citing rising food prices as one of the top two impacts of inflation. This concern was the most frequently mentioned, followed by increasing housing costs and income erosion, according to the survey by North Star Opinion Research.

According to a report in The New York Times, experts are apprehensive that older individuals, particularly those in poorer health or on lower or fixed incomes, face an increased risk of not having sufficient food or resorting to less healthy foods due to soaring prices. The report includes accounts from several retirees who say they've had to change their behavior due to this economic pressure.

One retiree reportedly told The New York Times, "I reached my breaking point, and I had to go to the food bank." According to the report, she transitioned her shopping habits from pricier grocery stores to outlet stores but supplemented her shopping with visits to the food bank for certain items.

The United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Economic Research Service has predicted that, in 2024, all food prices will increase by 1.3 percent, but up to 4.2 percent. Prices of food at home could increase by as much as 4 percent. Prices of food away from home are predicted to increase by 4.7 percent, but up to 6.2 percent.

During a hearing on the Inflation Reduction Act's impact on the economy, U.S. Rep. Lisa McClain (R-Mich.), chair of the House Oversight Committee's Subcommittee on Health Care and Financial Services, said, "When President Biden was sworn into office in January 2021, he inherited a 1.4 percent inflation rate. Inflation today is more than two and a half times the rate he inherited. And remember – inflation is cumulative. Over the last two years, total inflation has increased by over 17 percent."

Established in 2022, LAW conducts research and develops proposals for public policies affecting American workers and the economy.