
Peach Tree Times

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Senator Ossoff Works to Approve Legislation that Would Drive Economic Development in Georgia, Helping Students Access Financial Aid for Job Training Programs


Sen. Jon Ossoff | Jon Ossoff Official website

Sen. Jon Ossoff | Jon Ossoff Official website

The bipartisan JOBS Act would help more Georgia students access financial aid for job training programs that would contribute to their career success

The bipartisan bill would expand Pell Scholarships for students enrolled in job training and skills programs

Washington, D.C. – US Senator Jon Ossoff is working with Democrats and Republicans to help more Georgia students access job training programs that provide access to well-paying jobs and prepare for a successful future.

Senator Ossoff is working to pass the bipartisan law Jumpstart Our Businesses by Supporting Students Act of 2023 ( EMPLEOS or JOBS Bill, ) in the US Senate .USA. The JOBS bill would ensure that Georgia students enrolled in high-quality short-term skills and job training programs have access to Pell Scholarships to complete their education and access more career opportunities in highly paid and highly skilled industries.

“ I am working to unite Republicans and Democrats in Congress to pass the JOBS Act, that will allow youth and people with ongoing careers in Georgia and across the country to apply for Pell scholarships and receive this federal financial aid to access those job training programs that can prepare for your career ”. Senator Ossoff said.

This bipartisan bill will significantly help students struggling with rising tuition and other related expenses at community and technical colleges. Access to programs that empower students to develop competitive skills will also help drive economic development across the state once these young professionals enter the job market.

The JOBS law was introduced by Senators Tim Kaine ( D-VA ) and Mike Braun ( R-IN ).

Senator Ossoff continues to be an advocate for Georgia students seeking to improve their professional careers by working to ensure they have adequate resources to do so.

Last year, Senator Ossoff helped secure an increase from $ 500 to the Pell Scholarship maximum grant, the largest increase in a decade. President Biden also signed the legislation Senator Ossoff's bipartisan to boost cyber security job training at HBCU last August.

Make click here to read the bipartisan JOBS law.

Original source can be found here.