
Peach Tree Times

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Sen. Ossoff Delivering New Fire Truck for Danville


U.S Senator Jon Ossoff | Jon Ossoff Facebook

U.S Senator Jon Ossoff | Jon Ossoff Facebook

Danville, Ga. — U.S. Senator Jon Ossoff is delivering a new fire truck to Danville, Georgia, to improve public safety. 

Sen. Ossoff successfully brought Republicans and Democrats in Congress together to deliver a new fire truck for Danville’s Volunteer Fire & Rescue Department, ensuring firefighters and first responders have the proper equipment to protect the people of Danville. 

According to the city, Danville’s current fire truck is more than 35 years old and requires frequent repairs, which prevents the truck from pumping the amount of water needed to meet fire safety standards.  

The new fire truck will save Danville’s Volunteer Fire & Rescue Department from closure, help the station follow fire safety best practices, and improve first responders’ response times for people in need. 

“There is no worse nightmare than the smell of smoke and the fire alarm at 1am without timely fire rescue available,” Sen. Ossoff said. “Danville’s amazing volunteer firefighters put their lives on the line every day and I’m delivering these resources for a new fire truck to ensure timely response when Danville families need it.” 

“Our firefighters and first responders make it their priority to keep the residents of our community safe,” Mayor Tracy Jackson said. “Thanks to Senator Ossoff, our community will now have the fire truck it needs to ensure our first responders can continue this important mission. The new truck will replace our 35-year-old vehicle and help provide timely service to people all across Danville.”   

“The Fire Truck for the City of Danville will help not only in ensuring the firefighters have the proper equipment to protect property and lives; but also, it will add in helping lower their ISO rating. This will save money for the homeowners on their home insurance,” Twiggs County EMA Director and Fire Chief Jack Wood said. “Thank you to Senator Ossoff for helping fund this project.”   

Sen. Ossoff secured $59,000 for the project through last year’s government funding package.

Original Source can be found here.