
Peach Tree Times

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Jenny Beth Martin: ‘As long as Biden is in the White House, America’s borders will be unsecured’


Jenny Beth Martin, co-founder of Georgia Tea Party Patriots | Georgia Tea Party Patriots

Jenny Beth Martin, co-founder of Georgia Tea Party Patriots | Georgia Tea Party Patriots

Tea Party Patriots co-founder Jenny Beth Martin said America's borders will remain unsecured "as long as Biden is in the White House," despite the administration's recent attempt to enact border legislation. 

“Joe Biden needs to turn the page on illegal immigration and the crisis at the southern border,” said Martin. “That’s why he put on a big show at the White House on Tuesday, signing an executive order that he says will allow him to crack down on illegal immigration and regain control of the southern border.”

“He may get the headlines he seeks – after all, he can always count on the liberal mainstream media – but that will be all he gets, and everyone knows it.,” Martin said. “As long as Biden is in the White House, America’s borders will be unsecured, because that’s the way Democrats want it.”

President Biden issued an executive order that requires the U.S. border to be temporarily closed to asylum requests if the average number of daily encounters is above 2,500 at official ports of entry. According to NBC News, a shutdown immediately went into effect after the order was signed, as the max threshold had already been hit. 

Since Biden took office, he has halted work on the border wall, promised healthcare to anyone in the country regardless of citizenship or immigration status, reversed restrictions on funding for "sanctuary sites," and created legislation to grant mass amnesty to illegal aliens, an op-ed from Martin in Townhall reported.

A recent poll of Georgia voters from Quinnipiac University reported that Biden is behind Donald Trump by 4%. Additionally, 56% of voters think Trump would be the better choice to handle the immigration crisis, while 39% said they would choose Biden to handle it.

Tea Party Patriots is a nonprofit social welfare organization founded in 2009 whose mission is “to equip Americans with the resources and training they need to be engaged citizens and effective activists.”

Jenny Beth Martin is a co-founder and current national coordinator of the Tea Party Patriots. She also works as a columnist for The Washington Times. She wrote and published Tea Party Patriots: The Second American Revolution, along with co-author Mark Meckler. 

Martin attended Reinhardt University, and also received a bachelor’s from the University of Georgia.



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