
Peach Tree Times

Friday, September 20, 2024

Ga. GOP chair: Trump-Raffensperger call was meant to be confidential


State GOP Chair David Shafer | Facebook

State GOP Chair David Shafer | Facebook

Georgia’s State GOP chairman David Shafer is fuming over the release of a private conversations between Secretary of State David Raffensperger and President Donald Trump. 

Raffensperger implied that his office released the tape after Trump tweeted about the conversation. 

“@realDonaldTrump has filed two lawsuits - federal and state - against@GaSecofState. The telephone conference call @GaSecofState secretly recorded was a “confidential settlement discussion” of that litigation, which is still pending,” Shafer said on Twitter

Raffensperger has been a frequent target of the Trump campaign. 

 Trump earlier called Raffensperger a RINO (Republican in name only) for not properly investigating voter irregularity allegations.