
Peach Tree Times

Monday, January 6, 2025

May 18 sees Congressional Record publish “EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF COMMITTEES” in the Senate section


Jon Ossoff was mentioned in EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF COMMITTEES on pages S2583-S2586 covering the 2nd Session of the 117th Congress published on May 18 in the Congressional Record.

The publication is reproduced in full below:


The following executive reports of nominations were submitted:

By Mr. MENENDEZ for the Committee on Foreign Relations.

Bernadette M. Meehan, of New York, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Chile.

Nominee: Bernadette Michelle Meehan.

Post: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Chili.

(The following is a list of members of my immediate family. I have asked each of these persons to inform me of the pertinent contributions made by them. To the best of my knowledge, the information contained in this report is complete and accurate.)

Contributions, amount, date, and donee:

Bernadette Meehan: $500, 10/02/2020, Biden for President;

$500, 10/02/2020, Biden Victory Fund; $28.47, 09/30/2020, Biden for President; $28.47, 09/30/2020, Biden Victory Fund;

$7.14, 09/20/2020, Act Blue (Earmarked for Mike Espy for Senate); $7.14, 09/20/2020, Act Blue (Earmarked for Montanans for Bullock); $7.14, 09/20/2020, Act Blue (Earmarked for Dr. Alan Gross for Senate); $7.14, 09/20/2020, Act Blue

(Earmarked for Hickenlooper for Colorado); $7.14, 09/20/2020, Act Blue (Earmarked for MJ for Texas); $7.14, 09/20/2020, Act Blue (Earmarked for Sara Gideon for Maine); $7.14, 09/20/ 2020, Act Blue (Earmarked for Jon Ossoff for Senate); $7.14, 09/20/2020, Act Blue (Earmarked for Peters for Michigan);

$7.14, 09/20/2020, Act Blue (Earmarked for Doug Jones for U.S. Senate); $7.14, 09/20/2020, Act Blue (Earmarked for Cal for North Carolina); $7.15, 09/20/2020, Act Blue (Earmarked for Warnock for Georgia); $7.15, 09/20/2020, Act Blue

(Earmarked for Jaime Harrison for U.S. Senate); $7.15, 09/20/ 2020, Act Blue (Earmarked for Theresa Greenfield for Iowa);

$7.15, 09/20/2020, Act Blue (Earmarked for Bollier for Kansas); $25, 08/28/2020, Act Blue (Earmarked for Mark Kelly for Senate); $25, 08/28/2020, Act Blue (Earmarked for Sara Gideon for Maine); $25, 08/28/2020, Act Blue (Earmarked for McGrath for U.S. Senate); $25, 08/28/2020, Act Blue

(Earmarked for Jaime Harrison for Senate); $500, 08/07/2020, Biden for President; $500, 08/07/2020, Biden Victory Fund;

$2, 07/02/2020, Act Blue, $25, 07/02/2020, Act Blue

(Earmarked for Spanberger for Congress); $2, 07/02/2020, Act Blue; $50.00, 07/02/2020, Act Blue (Earmarked for Friends of Desiree Tims); $500, 06/29/2020, Biden Victory Fund; $500, 06/29/2020, Biden for President; $500, 06/12/2020, Elissa Slotkin for Congress; $500, 06/12/2020, Andy Kim for Congress; $250, 04/30/2020, Biden for President; $100, 08/15/ 2017, Act Blue (Earmarked for Andy Kim for Congress); $100, 07/03/2017, Act Blue (Earmarked for Andy Kim for Congress);

$1,000, 06/07/2017, Ed Meier for Congress.

Evan Medeiros $500, 10/21/2020, Andy Kim for Congress;

$1,000, 10/14/2020, Biden for President; $1,000, 10/14/2020, Biden Victory Fund; $500, 07/20/2020, Andy Kim for Congress,

$1,000, 06/29/2020, Biden Victory Fund; $700, 06/29/2020, Biden for President; $300, 06/29/2020, Biden for President;

$2,500, 03/04/2020, Biden for President; $500, 03/22/2018, Andy Kim for Congress; $500, 08/17/2017, Andy Kim for Congress.


Bruce I. Turner, of Colorado, for the rank of Ambassador during his tenure of service as U.S. Representative to the Conference on Disarmament.

Nominee: Bruce I. Turner.

Post: Conference on Disarmament.

(The following is a list of members of my immediate family. I have asked each of these persons to inform me of the pertinent contributions made by them. To the best of my knowledge, the information contained in this report is complete and accurate.)

Contributions, amount, date, and donee:

For Bruce Turner: None.

For Veronique Turner: None.


Constance J. Milstein, of New York, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Malta.

Nominee: Constance J. Milstein.

Post: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Malta.

(The following is a list of members of my immediate family. I have asked each of these persons to inform me of the pertinent contributions made by them. To the best of my knowledge, the information contained in this report is complete and accurate.)

Contributions, amount, date, and donee:

Constance J. Milstein: $2,800, 02/19/2020, Biden for President; $2,800, 02/19/2020, Biden for President; $2,800, 05/21/2020, Friends of Mark Warner; $2,800, 05/21/2020, Friends of Mark Warner; $2,800, 05/21/2020, Chris Coons for Delaware; $2,800, 05/21/2020, Chris Coons for Delaware;

$2,800, 05/21/2020, Shaheen for Senate; $2,800, 05/21/2020, Shaheen for Senate; $2,800, 06/ 24/2020, Peters for Michigan; $2,800, 06/24/2020, Peters for Michigan; $2,800, 06/24/2020, Bollier for Kansas; $2,800, 06/ 24/2020, Bollier for Kansas; $2,800, 06/24/2020, Dr. Al Gross for U.S. Senate; $2,800, 06/24/2020, Dr. Al Gross for U.S. Senate; $2,800, 06/24/2020, Cal for NC; $2,800, 07/17/2020, The Markey Committee; $725,000, 08/24/2020, Biden Victory Fund (this contribution was allocated to the participants in this joint fundraising committee in the amounts noted below);

$10,000, West Virginia Democratic Party; $35,500, Democratic National Committee; $10,000, New Hampshire Democratic Party;

$10,000, State Democratic Executive Committee of Alabama;

$10,000, North Carolina Democratic Party--Federal; $10,000, Pennsylvania Democratic Party; $10,000, Colorado Democratic Party; $10,000, Democratic Party of South Carolina; $10,000, Arizona Democratic Party; $10,000, Indiana Democratic Congressional Victory Committee; $10,000, Maine Democratic Party; $10,000, Minnesota Democratic-Farmer Labor Party;

$10,000, Democratic Party of New Mexico; $10,000, Democratic Party of Virginia; $10,000, Montana Democratic Party;

$10,000, Ohio Democratic Party; $10,000, Democratic Executive Committee of Florida; $10,000, Nebraska Democratic Party;

$10,000, Kansas Democratic Party; $10,000, Democratic Party of Wisconsin; $10,000, Texas Democratic Party; $106,500, Democratic National Committee (Convention Account); $106,500, Democratic National Committee (Recount/Legal Account);

$106,500, Democratic National Committee (Headquarters/ Buildings Account); $10,000, Nevada State Democratic Party;

$10,000, Democratic State Central Committee of LA; $10,000, Democratic State Central Committee of Maryland; $10,000, Democratic State Committee (Delaware); $10,000, Idaho State Democratic Party; $10,000, North Dakota Democratic- Nonpartisan League Party; $10,000, Tennessee Democratic Party; $10,000, Mississippi Democratic Party; $10,000, New York State Democratic Committee; $10,000, Massachusetts Democratic State Committee; $10,000, Georgia Federal Elections Committee; $10,000, Missouri Democratic State Committee; $10,000, New Jersey Democratic State Committee;

$10,000, Alaska Democratic Party; $10,000, Michigan Democratic State Central Committee; $10,000, Vermont Democratic Party; $10,000, Kentucky Democratic Party; $2,800, 09/01/2020, Montanans for Bullock; $2,800, 09/01/2020, Montanans for Bullock; $2,800, 09/30/2020, Jon Ossoff for Senate; $2,800, 09/30/2020, Jon Ossoff for Senate; $2,800, 10/06/2020, Mike Espy for Senate Campaign Committee; $2,800, 10/07/2020, Hickenlooper for Colorado; $2,800, 10/07/2020, Jaime Harrison for US Senate; $2,800, 10/07/2020, Mark Kelly for Senate; $2,800, 10/07/2020, Amy McGrath for Senate, Inc.;

$2,800, 10/07/2020, Sara Gideon for Maine; $2,800, 10/07/ 2020, Warnock for Georgia; $2,800, 10/08/2020, Theresa Greenfield for Iowa; $35,500, 10/20/2020, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee; $2,800, 10/21/2020, Cory Booker for Senate; $5,000, 10/21/2020, Blue Hen Federal PAC;

$2,900, 02/24/2021, Jana Lynne Sanchez for Congress; $2,900, 02/24/2021, Jana Lynne Sanchez for Congress.

Said Nabil Abu-Kaud: None.


Jane Hartley, of New York, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Nominee: Jane Dorothy Hartley.

Post: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

(The following is a list of members of my immediate family. I have asked each of these persons to inform me of the pertinent contributions made by them. To the best of my knowledge, the information contained in this report is complete and accurate.)

Contributions, amount, date, and donee:

Jane Hartley:

Recipient, Joint Fund Recipients, Date, and Amount:

Gillibrand for Senate: 3/5/2018, $2,700; 3/5/2018, $2,700.

Friends of Maria: 3/5/2018, $2,700.

Murphy Victory Committee: 3/8/2018, $1,000; Friends of Chris Murphy, 3/6/2018, $1,000.

Michigan Wisconsin Victory Fund: 3/26/2018, $2,000; Tammy Baldwin for Senate, 3/26/2018, $1,000; Stabenow for US Senate, 3/26/2018, $1,000.

Moulton for Congress: 3/29/2018, $2,700.

Rufus Gifford for Congress: 4/10/2018, $2,700.

House Victory Project: 4/23/2018, $54,000; Gina Ortiz Jones for Congress, 4/23/2018, $2,700; Angie Craig for Congress, 4/ 23/2018, $5,400; Susie Lee for Congress, 4/23/2018, $5,400; Tom Malinowski for Congress, 4/23/2018, $5,400; Elissa Slotkin for Congress, 4/23/2018, $5,400; Kirkpatrick for Congress, 4/23/2018, $5,400; Susan Wild for Congress, 4/23/ 2018, $2,700; Debbie for Congress, 4/23/2018, $5,400; Elaine for Congress, 4/23/2018, $5,400; Jason Crow for Congress, 4/ 23/2018, $5,400; Mikie Sherrill for Congress, 4/23/2018,


Murphy Victory Committee: 5/2/2018, $4,400; Friends of Chris Murphy, 5/2/2018, $4,400.

Beto for Texas: 5/10/2018, $1,000.

Bredesen for Senate: 5/22/2018, $2,700.

St. Clair for Congress: 6/1/2018, $2,700.

Menendez Victory Fund: 8/11/2018, $2,700; Menendez for Senate, 8/12/2018, $2,700.

House Victory Project: 8/13/2018, $27,000; Elizabeth Pannill Fletcher for Congress, 8/13/2018, $2,700; McCready for Congress, 8/13/2018, $2,700; Cindy Axne for Congress, 8/ 13/2018, $2,700; Delgado for Congress, 8/13/2018, $2,700; Spanberger for Congress, 8/13/2018, $2,700; Katie Hill for Congress, 8/13/2018, $2,700; Josh Harder for Congress, 8/13/ 2018, $2,700; Amy Mcgrath for Congress, 8/13/2018, $2,700; Katie Porter for Congress, 8/13/2018, $2,700; Mike Levin for Congress, 8/13/2018, $2,700.

Donna Shalala for Congress: 9/19/2018, $2,700.

House Victory Project: 9/26/2018, $9,600; Dr Kim Schrier for Congress, 9/26/2018, $960; Paul Davis for Kansas, 9/26/ 2018, $960; Radinovich for Congress, 9/26/2018, $960; Sharice for Congress, 9/26/2018, $960; Andy Kim for Congress, 9/26/ 2018, $960; Friends of Dan Feehan, 9/26/2018, $960; Betsy Dirksen Londrigan for Congress, 9/26/2018, $960; Colin Allred for Congress, 9/26/2018, $960; Haley Stevens for Congress, 9/ 26/2018, $960; Eastman for Congress, 9/26/2018, $960.

2018 Senate Impact: 9/27/2018, $10,800; Rosen for Nevada, 9/27/2018, $2,700; Donnelly for Indiana, 9/27/2018, $2,700; Bill Nelson for US Senate, 9/27/2018, $2,700; Sinema for Arizona, 10/14/2018, $2,700.

House Victory Project: 9/27/2018, $17,400; Dr Kim Schrier for Congress, 9/27/2018, $1,740; Paul Davis for Kansas, 9/26/ 2018, $1,740; Sharice for Congress, 9/27/2018, $1,740; Andy Kim for Congress, 9/27/2018, $1,740; Radinovich for Congress, 9/27/2018, $1,740; Friends of Dan Feehan, 9/27/2018, $1,740; Betsy Dirksen Londrigan for Congress, 9/27/2018, $1,740; Colin Allred for Congress, 9/27/2018, $1,740; Haley Stevens for Congress, 9/27/2018, $1,740; Eastman for Congress, 9/27/ 2018, $1,740.

MJ for Texas: 10/23/2018, $2,700.

New Democrat Coalition PAC: 10/24/2018, $5,000.

House Majority PAC: 11/1/2018, $10,000.

Peters for Michigan: 2/6/2019, $2,500.

Doug Jones for Senate Committee: 2/15/2019, $2,700.

Biden for President: 4/29/2019, $2,800.

Bennet for America: 5/3/2019, $2,800.

Hickenlooper 2020: 5/13/2019, $2,800.

Win the Era PAC: 5/13/2019, $2,800.

Amy for America: 5/20/2019, $2,800.

Beto for America: 5/20/2019, $2,800.

Gillibrand 2020: 6/10/2019, $2,800.

Seth Moulton for America Inc.: 6/17/2019, $2,800.

Kamala Harris for the People: 6/25/2019, $2,800.

Mike Johnston for US Senate: 6/27/2019, $2,800.

MJ for Texas: 6/28/2019, $2,800.

Kamala Harris for the People: 6/28/2019, $500.

Kamala Harris for the People: 6/30/2019, $500.

Hickenlooper for Colorado, 8/23/2019, $2,800.

Cory 2020: 9/5/2019, $2,800.

DCCC: 9/6/2019, $5,000.

Kennedy for Massachusetts: 9/30/2019, $2,800.

The Top 4 2020 Committee: 9/30/2019, $22,400; Peters for Michigan, 9/30/2019, $3,100; Tina Smith for Minnesota, 9/30/ 2019, $5,600; Shaheen for Senate, 9/30/2019, $5,600; Doug Jones for Senate Committee, 9/30/2019, $2,700.

The Top 4 2020 Committee--Refund: $(5,400).

2020 Senate Impact: 11/26/2019, $22,400; Cal for NC, 11/26/ 2019, $5,600; Theresa Greenfield for Iowa, 11/26/2019,

$5,600; MJ for Texas, 11/26/2019, $5,600; Mark Kelly for Senate, 11/26/2019, $5,600.

House Victory Project 2020: 12/20/2019, $28,000; Joe Cunningham for Congress, 12/20/2019, $2,800; Committee to Elect Jared Golden, 12/20/2019, $2,800; Kendra Horn for Congress, 12/20/2019, $2,800; Xochitl for New Mexico, 12/20/ 2019, $2,800; Lauren Underwood for Congress, 12/20/2019,

$2,800; Andy Kim for Congress, 2/20/2019, $2,800; Friends of Lucy McBath, 12/20/2019, $2,800; Brindisi for Congress, 12/ 20/2019, $2,800; Max Rose for Congress, 12/20/2019, $2,800; Friends of Ben McAdams, 12/20/2019, $2,800.

Josh Gottheimer for Congress: 1/3/2020, $2,800.

DCCC: 1/21/2020, $35,500.

Josh Gottheimer for Congress: 2/4/2020, $2,800.

2020 Senate Impact: 3/3/2020, $16,800; Sara Gideon for Maine, 3/3/2020, $5,600; Bollier for Kansas, 3/3/2020,

$5,600; Hickenlooper for Colorado, 3/3/2020, $5,600; Hickenlooper--Refund, 3/31/2020, $(2,800).

House Victory Project: 3/16/2020, $28,000; Harley Rouda for Congress, 3/16/2020, $2,800; Elaine for Congress, 3/16/2020,

$2,800; Elizabeth Pannill Fletcher for Congress, 3/16/2020,

$2,800; Finkenauer for Congress, 3/16/2020, $2,800; Cartwright for Congress, 3/16/2020, $2,800; Cindy Axne for Congress, 3/16/2020, $2,800; Delgado for Congress, 3/16/2020,

$2,800; Elissa Slotkin for Congress, 3/16/2020, $2,800; Spanberger for Congress, 3/16/2020, $2,800; Tom Malinowski for Congress, 3/16/2020, $2,800.

Joe Kennedy III: 3/18/2020, $2,800.

Kennedy for Massachusetts--Refund: 9/30/2020, $(2,800).

Democrat Party of Wisconsin: 4/9/2020, $10,000.

Montanans for Bullock: 6/2/2020, $2,800.

Booker Victory Fund: 6/2/2020, $2,800. Cory Booker for Senate, 6/21/2020, $2,800.

Donna Shalala for Congress: 6/11/2020, $2,800.

Donna Shalala for Congress: 6/11/2020, $2,800.

Biden Victory Fund: 6/12/2020, $41,100; Biden for President, 6/12/2020, $2,800; DNC Services Corp/Democratic National Committee, 6/12/2020, $35,500; DNC Services Corp/ Democratic National Committee, 6/12/2020, $2,800.

Jaime Harrison for US Senate: 6/15/2020, $1,000.

2020 Senate Impact: 6/23/2020, $8.400; Montanans for Bullock, 6/25/2020, $2,800; Warnock for Georgia, 6/25/2020,

$2,800; Warnock for Georgia, 6/25/2020, $2,800.

People for Government PAC, 7/8/2020, $5,000;

Peters for Michigan: 7/22/2020, $2,800.

Peters for Michigan--Refund: 8/10/2020, $(2,800).

Peters Victory 2020: 8/3/2020, $2,800; Michigan Democratic State Central Committee, 8/19/2020, $2,800.

House Victory Project 2020: 8/7/2020, $33,600; Sri for Congress, 8/7/2020, $2,800; Amy Kennedy for Congress, 8/7/ 2020, $2,800; Peterson for Congress, 8/7/2020, $2,800; TJ Cox for Congress, 8/7/2020, $2,800; Carolyn for Congress, 8/7/ 2020, $2,800; Rita Hart for Iowa, 8/7/2020, $2,800; Friends of Dana Balter, 8/7/2020, $2,800; Candace for 24, 8/7/2020,

$2,800; Kate for Congress, 8/7/2020, $2,800; Gina Ortiz Jones for Congress, 8/7/2020, $2,800; Eastman for Congress, 8/7/ 2020, $2,800; Betsy Dirksen Londrigan for Congress, 8/7/2020,


New Leadership PAC: 8/12/2020, $10,000.

Goroff for Congress: 8/31/2020, $1,500.

Menendez Victory Fund: 9/14/2020, $2,800; Menendez for Senate, 9/14/2020, $2,800.

House Victory Project 2020: 9/21/2020, $22,400; Cohn for Congress 2020, 9/21/2020, $2,800; Hiral for Congress, 9/21/ 2020, $2,800; Hoosiers for Hale, 9/21/2020, $2,800; Scholten for Congress, 9/21/2020, $2,800; Wendy Davis for Congress, 9/ 21/2020, $2,800; Jackie Gordon for Congress, 9/21/2020,

$2,800; Friends of Dan Feehan, 9/21/2020, $2,800; Debbie for Congress, 9/21/2020, $2,800.

Susan Wild for Congress: 9/29/2020, $2,800.

Common Sense 2020-III: 11/17/2020, $2,800; Jon Ossoff for Senate, 11/24/2020, $2,800.

Wyden for Senate: 3/16/2021, $2,900.

Wyden for Senate: 3/16/2021, $2,900.

Friends of Schumer: 3/24/2021, $2,900.

Friends of Schumer: 3/24/2021, $2,900.

Bennet Wyden Victory Fund: 3/26/2021, $2,900; Bennet for Colorado, 3/31/2021, $2,900.

Bennet Wyden Victory Fund: 4/30/2021, $2,900; Bennet for Colorado, 4/30/2021, $2,900.

Ro for Congress: 6/25/2021, $2,900.

Ralph Schlosstein:

Recipient, Joint Fund Recipients, Date, and Amount:

Friends of Dan Feehan: 1/25/2018, $2,700.

St. Clair for Congress: 6/8/2018, $2,700.

Donna Shalala for Congress: 9/30/2018, $2,700.

2018 Senate Impact: 10/4/2018, $10,800; Rosen for Nevada, 10/4/2018, $2,700; Donnelly for Indiana, 10/4/2018, $2,700; Bill Nelson for US Senate, 10/4/2018, $2,700; Sinema for Arizona, 10/14/2018, $2,700.

MJ for Texas: 10/23/2018, $2,700.

Cory 2020: 3/31/2019, $2,800.

Bennet for America: 5/3/2019, $2,800.

Bennet for America: 5/3/2019, $2,800.

Bennet for America--Refund: 4/17/2020, ($2,800).

Biden for President: 5/13/2019, $2,800.

Amy for America: 5/21/2019, $2,800.

Beto for America: 5/29/2019, $2,800.

Kamala Harris for the People: 6/14/2019, $2,800.

Win the Era PAC: 8/5/2019, $2,800.

Hickenlooper for Colorado: 8/23/2019, $2,800.

Service First Women's Victory Fund: 9/9/2019, $5,000; Mikie Sherrill for Congress, 9/9/2019, $1,000; Elissa Slotkin for Congress, 9/9/2019, $1,000; Chrissy Houlahan for Congress, 9/ 9/2019, $1,000; Spanberger for Congress, 9/9/2019, $1,000; Elaine for Congress, 9/30/2019, $1,000.

Kennedy for Massachusetts: 9/30/2019, $2,800.

Kennedy for Massachusetts: 9/30/2019, $2,800.

Kennedy for Massachusetts--Refund: 9/30/2020, ($2,800).

Hiral for Congress: 9/9/2019, $2,800.

2020 Senate Impact: 12/17/2019, $20,000; Theresa Greenfield for Iowa, 12/17/2019, $2,800; Theresa Greenfield for Iowa, 12/17/2019, $2,200; MJ for Texas, 12/17/2019, $2,200; MJ for Texas, 12/17/2019, $2,800; Cal for NC, 12/17/2019, $2,200; Cal for NC, 12/17/2019, $2,800; Mark Kelly for Senate, 12/20/ 2019, $2,200; Mark Kelly for Senate, 12/20/2019, $2,800.

2020 Senate Impact: 2/25/2020, $15,000; Hickenlooper for Colorado, 2/25/2020, $2,200; Hickenlooper for Colorado, 2/25/ 2020, $2,800; Hickenlooper for Colorado--Refund, 3/31/2020,

($2,200); Sara Gideon for Maine, 2/25/2020, $2,200; Sara Gideon For Maine, 2/25/2020, $2,800; Bollier for Kansas, 2/ 25/2020, $2,800; Bollier For Kansas, 2/25/2020, $2,200.

Friends of Suraj Patel: 6/8/2020, $1,000.

Biden Action Fund: 8/10/2020, $50,000; Biden for President, 8/10/2020, $2,800; DNC Services Corp/Democratic National Committee, 8/10/2020, $11,700; DNC Services Corp/Democratic National Committee, 8/10/2020, $35,500.

New Leadership PAC: 8/14/2020, $10,000.

Shaheen for Senate: 10/1/2020, $2,800.

Shalala Victory Fund: 10/8/2020, $2,800; Donna Shalala for Congress, 10/9/2020, $2,800.

Wyden for Senate, 3/16/2021, $2,800.

Wyden for Senate, 3/17/2021, $100.

Friends of Schumer, 3/25/2021, $2,900.

Friends of Schumer, 3/25/2021, $2,900.


Alexander Mark Laskaris, of the District of Columbia, a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Minister-Counselor, to be an Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Chad.

Nominee: Alexander M. Laskaris.

Post: Ambassador, Republic of Chad.

(The following is a list of members of my immediate family. I have asked each of these persons to inform me of the pertinent contributions made by them. To the best of my knowledge, the information contained in this report is complete and accurate.)

Contributions, amount, date, and donee:



Alan M. Leventhal, of Massachusetts, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Kingdom of Denmark.

Nominee: Alan M. Leventhal.

Post: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Kingdom of Denmark.

(The following is a list of members of my immediate family. I have asked each of these persons to inform me of the pertinent contributions made by them. To the best of my knowledge, the information contained in this report is complete and accurate.)

Contributions, amount, date, and donee:


Recipient, Joint Fund Recipients, amount, and date:

The Chicago Committee: $11,100, 2/08/2018.

Helena Moreno for Council: $1,000, 3/12/2018.

Committee to Elect Royce Duplessis: $500, 3/12/2018.

Committee to Elect David Pearlman: $500, 4/03/2018.

Montanans for Tester: $2,500, 5/01/2018.

Crowley Leadership Fund: Crowley for Congress, Jobs, Opportunities and Education PAC (JOE-PAC), $5,000, 5/01/2018;

$400, 5/24/2018; $4,600 5/24/2018.

Refund--Crowley for Congress: ($2,700), 9/11/2018.

Michael A. Sullivan Committee: $1,000, 6/4/2018.

Richmond for Congress: $2,700, 6/21/2018.

Byron Rushing Committee: $1,000, 8/13/2018.

A New Direction PAC: $5,000, 8/22/2018.

Gumbo PAC: $7,500, 12/7/2018.

Massachusetts State Democratic Party: $10,000, 2/6/2019.

Committee to Elect Richard Nangle: $1,000, 3/20/2019.

Richmond for Congress: $2,800, 3/21/2019.

A New Direction PAC: $5,000, 5/09/2019.

The Wu Committee: $1,000, 5/30/2019.

Biden for President: $2,800, 6/05/2019.

Action New Orleans: $12,500, 8/14/2019.

Gumbo PAC: $5,000, 8/19/2019.

Joe Giarrusso Campaign: $2,500, 9/16/2019.

John Bel Edwards Campaign LLC: $5,000, 10/16/2019.

Committee to Elect Marty Walsh: $1,000, 10/21/2019.

Victory for Louisianna/LA Democrats: $25,000, 10/22/2019.

Shaheen Committee: $600, 12/03/2019.

Shaheen Victory Fund: New Hampshire Democratic Party,

$10,000, 12/03/2019; $5,000, 12/20/2019.

Jake Auchincloss for Congress: $2,800, 12/05/2019.

Committee to Re-Elect Latoya Cantrell: $5,000, 12/05/2019.

The Governor JBE Transtion Transition Fund LLC: $5,000, 12/ 09/2019.

Unite the Country: $250,000, 12/18/2019.

Madame President PAC: $10,000, 2/03/2020.

Committee to Elect House Democrats: $10,000, 2/03/2020.

Maggie for NH: $5,000, 2/03/2020.

Unite the Country: $50,000, 2/28/2020.

Committee to Elect Marty J. Walsh: $1,000, 3/05/2020.

Biden for President: $2,800, 3/25/2020.

Committee to Re-Elect Claire Cronin: $1,000, 5/07/2020.

Kennedy for Massachusetts: $2,800, 3/31/2020.

Shaheen Victory Fund 2020: New Hampshire Democratic Party,

$5,000, 5/26/2020; $5,000, 6/13/2020.

The Committee to Elect Sara Lewis Judge: $1,000, 6/22/2020.

Biden Action Fund: DNC Services Corp/Democratic National Committee--Headquarters Account, DNC Services Corp/Democratic National Committee--Recount, DNC Services Corp/Democratic National Committee--Convention Account, DNC Services Corp/ Democratic National Committee, $250,000, 6/23/2020; $106,500, 8/17/2020; $106,500, 8/17/2020; $1,500, 8/17/2020; $35,500, 8/17/2020.

Common Good Virginia: $100,000, 6/24/2020.

Cal for NC: $2,800, 6/18/2020.

Dr. Al Gross for U.S. Senate: $2,800, 6/18/2020.

Sally Kerans: $250, 6/22/2020.

Alan Khazei: $2,800, 6/29/2020.

Khazei for Congress: $2,800, 7/21/2020.

Refund--Alan Khazei: ($2,800), 11/11/2020.

Olin Parker: $1,000, 9/1/2020.

Ethan Ashley: $1,000, 9/1/2020.

Carlos Zervigon: $1,000, 9/1/2020.

Nolan Marshall: $1,000, 9/1/2020.

Katie Baudouin: $1,000, 9/1/2020.

John Brown: $1,000, 9/1/2020.

Leslie Ellison: $1,000, 9/1/2020.

Alan Gross: $2,800, 9/09/2020.

Committee to Elect Terri F. Love: $2,500, 9/09/2020.

New Hampshire Coordinated Campaign: $5,000, 9/15/2020.

PT Fund: $5,000, 9/15/2020.

Jake Auchincloss for Congress: $2,800, 9/18/2020.

Jason Rogers Williams: $2,500, 10/10/2020.

Finkenauer Victory Fund: Finkenauer for Congress, $2,800, 10/16/2020; $2,800, 10/16/2020.

Disouza Re-Election Committee: $1,000, 10/28/2020.

Leslie Ellison $1,000, 11/10/2020.

Ethan Ashley: $1,000, 11/10/2020.

Katherine Baudouin: $1,000, 11/10/2020.

Carlos Zervigon: $1,000, 11/10/2020.

Nolan Marshall, Jr.: $1,000, 11/10/2020.

Jon Ossoff for Senate: $2,800, 11/10/2020.

Warnock for Georgia: $2,800, 11/10/2020.

Common Good Virginia: $10,000, 11/24/2020.

PIC2021, Inc: $100,00, 12/07/2020.

William Peduto: $2,800, 12/22/2020.

Troy Carter for Congress: $2,800, 1/29/2021.

Friends of Schumer; $5,800, 3/9/2021.

Keisha Lance Bottoms for Mayor: $4,300, 3/22/2021.

Refund--Keisha Lance Bottoms for Mayor: ($1,500), 6/29/ 2021.

Warnock Victory Fund: Warnock for Georgia, $2,900, 4/20/ 2021; $2,900, 4/20/2021.

Jake Auchincloss: $2,900, 6/02/2021.

Environmental Voter Project: $1,000, 7/13/2021.

Joseph I. Giarrusso III: $2,500, 8/10/2021.

Jayh Banks: $1,000, 8/18/2021.

Kristin Gisleson Palmer: $1,000, 8/25/2021.

Michelle Wu: $1,000, 10/25/2021.

Jean Paul Morrell: $2,500, 10/26/2021.

Committee to Elect Jay A. Banks: $4,000, 12/23/2021.


Recipient, Joint Fund Recipients, date, and amount:

The Chicago Committee: 2/8/2018, $11,100.

Hilena Moreno: 3/12/2018, $1,000.

Royce Duplessis: 3/12/2018, $500.

Bill Cassidy for U.S. Senate: 3/26/2018, $1,000.

David Pearlman: 3/31/20, $500.

Richard Nangle: 4/9/2018, $500.

Joshua Zakim: 4/18/2018, $1,000.

Gumbo PAC: 12/7/2018, $7,500.

Judge Chase Finance Committee: 1/19/2019, $1,000.

The Markey Committee: 2/8/2019, $5,400.

Kamala Harris for the People: 4/8/2019, $2,800.

Biden for President: 6/5/2019, $2,800.

Joe Giarrusso Campaign: 9/16/2019, $2,500.

John Bel Edwards Campaign: 10/21/2019, $5,000.

Shaheen for Senate: 12/4/2019, $2,800.

Shaheen for Senate: 12/4/2019, $2,200.

Jake Auchincloss for Congress: 12/5/2019, $2,800.

Campaign to Re-Elect Latoya Cantrell: 12/11/2019, $5,000.

Shaheen Victory Fund 2020--Redesignated from Spouse: New Direction PAC, 1/15/2020, $5,000.

The Committee to Elect Mayor Walsh: 3/5/202, $1,000.

Claire Cronin: 5/29/2020, $1,000.

Shaheen Victory Fund 2020: New Hampshire Democratic Party, Shaheen for Senate, 6/13/2020, $5,000; 6/13/2020, $4,400;


Becky Grossman for Congress: 6/17/2020, $1,000.

Jake Auchincloss for Congress: 9/18/2020, $2,800.

Dr. Al Gross for U.S. Senate: 9/21/2020, $2,800.

Finkenauer Victory Fund: 10/16/2020, $2,800.

Finkenauer for Congress: 10/16/2020, $2,800.

Jon Ossoff for Senate; 12/17/2020, $2,800.

Warnock for Georgia: 12/7/2020, $2,800.

William Peduto: 12/22/2020, $2,800.

Troy Carter for Congress: 1/29/2021, $2,800.

Warnock Victory Fund: Warnock for Georgia, 4/20/2021,

$2,900; 4/27/2021, $2,900.

Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms: 4/22/2021 $4,300.

Jake Auchincloss for Congress: 6/2/2021, $2,900.

Kim Janey: 6/21/2021, $1,000.

Elect Joseph Giarrusso: 8/10/2021, $2,500.

Michelle Wu for Mayor: 10/25/2021, $1,000.

Jean Paul Morrell: 10/26/2021, $2,500.

Bridget A. Brink, of Michigan, a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Minister-Counselor, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to Ukraine.

(Nominations without an asterisk were reported with the recommendation that they be confirmed.)

Nominee: Bridget A. Brink.

Post: Ukraine.

(The following is a list of members of my immediate family. I have asked each of these persons to inform me of the pertinent contributions made by them. To the best of my knowledge, the information contained in this report is complete and accurate.)

Contribution, amount, date, and donee:

None, N/A, N/A, Bridget A. Brink.

None, N/A, N/A, Nicholas B. Higgins.



SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 168, No. 85

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

Senators' salaries are historically higher than the median US income.



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