Russell R. McMurry, P.E., Commissioner | Georgia Department of Transportation
Russell R. McMurry, P.E., Commissioner | Georgia Department of Transportation
The Georgia Department of Transportation (Georgia DOT) has announced upcoming lane and ramp closures as part of the 16@95 Improvement Projects. These projects involve widening I-16 and reconstructing the I-16/I-95 Interchange. The closures are scheduled to occur at various times from March 3 to March 22, weather permitting.
During daytime hours from March 3 through March 8, intermittent right- and left-lane closures will take place on I-16 westbound from the I-16/I-516 Interchange to the I-16/I-95 Interchange, as well as on I-16 eastbound in the opposite direction. Similar closures will occur on I-516 at its interchange with I-16.
Nighttime closures are also planned for this period, affecting both directions of travel on I-16 between its interchanges with I-516 and I-95. Double-lane closures will impact sections of I-95 at the I-16 overpass during nighttime hours.
A continuous closure is scheduled from February 28 at 8 p.m. until March 3 at 5 a.m., affecting the ramp from I-16 eastbound to I-516 eastbound (Exit 164A). Detours are provided for motorists affected by this closure.
Looking ahead, additional daytime and nighttime lane closures are projected for mid-March. From March 10 through March 22, similar intermittent lane closures will occur on sections of both interstates. Nighttime double-lane closures will continue on portions of I-95 during this period.
Advance notice has been given regarding detours, which will be coordinated to avoid conflicts. No more than one ramp in either interchange will be closed simultaneously.
For real-time traffic alerts and updates, drivers are encouraged to visit Georgia NaviGAtor at or contact Georgia DOT via email at