
Peach Tree Times

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Suspected fraud in mail-in ballots in Georgia


Susan Voyles | Facebook

Susan Voyles | Facebook

Poll manager Susan Voyles told the state Senate committee about irregularities in the recounting process in Fulton County.

According to Voyles’ affidavit,  supervisors were being selective in allocating assignments and some absentee votes were added in a fraudulent manner.

“Most of them were pretty worn, until we came up to a batch that is, it was, my words were ‘pristine.’ It was white, it was so white,” Voyles said, “what we began to notice was an overwhelming amount were exactly — not possibly — but exactly the same. So these absentee ballots had no folds in them, yet they were presented as absentee ballots. Even if they’d have wound up as a provisional ballot … it would have been exactly the same, there would’ve been folds in them.”

Before the election, Attorney General William Barr was quoted as saying that the coronavirus could make the absentee ballots vulnerable to fraud as many Americans feared voting in person. 

Voyles previously signed a sworn affidavit regarding comments about ballots.