Jon Burns, Speaker of the House | Official U.S. House headshot
Jon Burns, Speaker of the House | Official U.S. House headshot
House Speaker Jon Burns has expressed his support for the formation of a new subcommittee dedicated to lawsuit reform. The Subcommittee of Rules on Lawsuit Reform, established by State Representative Butch Parrish, Chairman of the House Rules Committee, will focus on proposed changes to Georgia's legal framework through Senate Bill 68 and Senate Bill 69.
Speaker Burns emphasized the importance of collaboration with Governor Brian Kemp to implement significant legal reforms during this legislative session. "The House is committed to working alongside Governor Brian Kemp to pass meaningful, substantive legal reform this session," he stated. He highlighted the impact of excessive lawsuits and rising insurance costs on citizens and businesses in Georgia. Burns added, "That’s why Chairman Parrish and the members of this committee will work diligently to give the governor’s proposals fair consideration and pass legislation that returns balance to our courtrooms and stability to our insurance markets—all while upholding the right of our citizens with legitimate claims to be made whole."
The subcommittee includes several representatives: Chairman Rob Leverett, Rep. Butch Parish, Rep. Stan Gunter, Rep. Matt Hatchett, Speaker Pro Tem Jan Jones, Rep. Chuck Efstration, Rep. Mark Newton, Rep. Al Williams, Rep. Sam Park, Rep. Tanya F. Miller, and Rep. Stacey Evans.
For more information about SB 68 and SB 69, interested parties can visit the provided links.